We made the most of the last of the recent good weather with a packed schedule of celebrations last weekend. On Saturday, one of our permanent residents at Westbourne House celebrated her 92nd birthday. It was lovely to see Ellen surrounded by family and friends who joined for a party with finger food and an enormous chocolate cake.
It was the first time the whole family had been able to be together in over two years and was, as Ellen’s children commented, a real moment to treasure.

Sunday saw our homes festooned with balloons, flowers and bunting for our annual Mother’s Day celebrations. Residents were joined by family members bearing gifts and everyone enjoyed tea and cakes, while spending time together in the sunshine.
At Westbourne House, our new blue lounge for our permanent residents is now complete. We’re really pleased with the result and hope it will prove a comfortable and restful spot for our residents to enjoy.
Spotlight on… Mabel
Mabel was born in Barnsley in 1925 and grew up in Stocksbridge outside Sheffield with her brother and sister, now both sadly deceased. War broke out when Mabel was 14 years old and she remembers hearing bombs dropping on Sheffield, though her parents largely shielded her from the realities of the destruction being caused and prevented her from going into Sheffield during this period.
Mabel spent her entire working life at Fox’s Steel Works in Stocksbridge where she was employed as a tracer, responsible for tracing plans onto linen using ink. In her spare time, Mabel enjoyed knitting and sewing, and used to run up her own dresses using her neighbour’s sewing machine. Mabel also used to go ballroom dancing twice a week with her friend, either at Cutler’s Hall or City Hall.
After she married, Mabel moved to Sheffield where she raised her daughter. She now has two grandsons a great grandson and a great granddaughter.
Mabel loves the friendly staff at Palms Row, particularly that nothing is ever too much trouble. Mabel says “I don’t think I would be as comfortable, even in a perfect world.”
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